
Hello. My name is Max Tohline.

I am a film scholar and video essayist whose work focuses primarily on editing and the manipulation of time. But I’m also interested in data-driven approaches to media, as well as recreational mathematics, classical music, amateur rocketry, trying to guess the names of artists in art museums, and really peaty scotch.

I’m best known for the video essay Editing as Punctuation in Film, as well as this Gender and the Periodic Table post on Tumblr, plus some Trolley Problem Memes that forked all over the internet.

I think you’ll really like my feature-length video essay A Supercut of Supercuts and this data-driven article linking historical trends on the IMDb Top 250 to broader ideological shifts.

Find me online in all these places:
Twitter for quips and movie dates
Vimeo for video essays and experimental stuff
YouTube for video postcards and rocket content
GirlRocketMoon, my partner’s blog, for guest film criticism
Tumblr for daily Peace posts and all the old stuff (the year-in-review posts are a good guide to my past work: 2016, 2015, 2014, etc).

I also maintain KawaraToday, a tumblr-based page-a-day calendar of On Kawara’s artwork, and I was the most prolific contributor to TheFinalImage before it went dormant.

Oh, and check out my guest spot on the podcast The 250.

Contact me through one of the platforms above, or drop me a line at my name (no spaces) at gmail.

Have a nice day!